King Kong
(Three Sheet)


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(1) Shows the poster as received, mounted on some strange blue fabric.














(2) Shows the poster after the de-mount and re-mount. Most of the previous restoration was removed.  There were about 30 rusty tack holes all around the periphery. Not apparent in the photo are hundreds of abrasions all through the blue in the Empire State Building, and in Kong's left leg.  Generally, it had an overall shabby appearance.

In comparison to most of the stuff we work on, this one wasn't too bad, but because it is the "Mona Lisa" or "Cadillac" of movie posters it received a lot of extra attention.  Not visible in this photo, just below the plane in Kong's hand, are the letters "K.K." in reverse, see photo just below for more on that.






(3) Shows the backside of the top panel, the previous mount has been removed, and left  behind the old adhesive which had been turned blue/grey by the old backing.  In this photo the poster is soaking wet.  The job of  removing the old glue was quite a delicate chore, and took almost 3 hours!  It had to be scraped away, and washed off.  Doing this, however, made a big difference in the colors of the poster.


(4) Shows the detail restoration work being done on the poster.






(5) Shows the finished poster, colors are brighter, abrasions are gone and Kong looks ferocious!  To see a larger scan of the finished poster, please click here.

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