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FAKE. This is a really convincing fake. There is nothing about this card either visually (with the naked eye) or it's "feel" (thickness and weight) that seems wrong. Unlike other fakes that just don't feel right, this one had to be examined under the microscope in order to determine irrefutably that no part of this card is authentic except for the cannibalized backing.
Examination under black-light, microscope, light table, digital imaging and tactile observation. Documentation by John Davis of Poster Mountain Inc.
THIS CARD WAS NOT PRODUCED BY POSTER MOUNTAIN INC. This is a reproduction of an authentic mini window card made with a digital ink-jet printer. The poster was then folded and damaged intentionally. It was then linenbacked and restored. We have tagged this poster in the Universal logo.This is a reproduction of an original "MINI WINDOW CARD" style poster which has been painstakingly made to look, and feel like the original. It is a color copy which has been mounted to the paper perhaps from a real mini window card of lesser value(which has been sanded thin so as to better disguise the forgery). the top has been added and both front and back have been airbrushed in the upper portion.