8749 Shirley Ave. Unit B
Northridge, CA 91324
Tel: 818.882.1214
Email: postermount@aol.com
DRACULA one sheet R 47 #2
This is the second example of this fake that we've uncovered
ALL markings directly on the poster were made in pencil by Poster Mountain as part of this report. The markings indicate the locations of the microscope images contained in this report.
A closeup shot of the main image area, overall the appearance of the print seems slightly out of focus and the colors are overly saturated.
close up 2. A nice shot which details the fold lines and damage which were added intentionally by the person who mounted this fake. The false damage was then restored so as to add to the authentic appearance of the poster. Real vintage posters were issued folded and almost all of them show signs of wear and tear around the fold lines, so this type of restoration is normal for authentic posters.
Prior to being sent to PMCS, someone had lifted up a corner to reveal that the paper upon which this poster is printed is actually modern, white, coated bond paper.
the "C" in COPYRIGHT shown here under the microscope. The camera reverses the image. The top most layer is comprised of airbrush paint which was applied to obscure the true nature of this poster. Underneath where the paint has chipped away we can clearly see that the paper underneath was printed by an ink jet printer to mimic the appearance of old, degraded paper.
Here a microscope image taken from Dracula's white shirt. Here there should only be pure, naked fibrous old paper, but instead we can clearly see the dot's from an ink-jet printer which mimic the look of old paper to the naked eye. The pencil mark in the center of the image was made by PMCS to document the location of the microscope photo.
Here a microscope image taken from the"H" in "HORROR" at the top of the poster. This should be an unprinted area which should only show raw, naked, fibrous paper. Instead, we clearly see the ink jet patterns of modern digital printing which mimic the appearance of vintage paper to the naked eye.
Here a microscope image of the "L" in the word "RELEASE" seen at the bottom right. Here, again we should only see raw, naked, fibrous, unprinted paper and instead we see ink jet printer dots which mimic the look of old paper.


Examination under black-light, microscope, light table, digital imaging and tactile observation. Documentation by John Davis of Poster Mountain Inc.


THIS POSTER WAS NOT PRODUCED BY POSTER MOUNTAIN INC. This is a reproduction of an authentic one sheet made with a digital ink-jet printer. The poster was then folded and damaged intentionally. It was then linenbacked and restored. We have tagged this poster in the Universal logo.Ink jet color copy intentionally folded, a fake theater poster exchange type stamp was added on the back (it reads: FROM THEATRE ADVERTISING CO, 1001 JERSEY AVE N.W., WASHINGTON D.C.) and the poster was mounted to canvas and paper ("linen-backed") then restored as though it was an original poster. Borders were airbrushed, fold lines were touched up with colored pencil. Great, expert effort was taken in a clear attempt to make this fake poster appear authentic.