8749 Shirley Ave. Unit B
Northridge, CA 91324
Tel: 818.882.1214
Email: postermount@aol.com
FAKE US ONE SHEET, universal horror, Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney, John Carradine, J. Carrol Naish
Here we see a close up shot of the fine print at bottom center in the margin. We can see that the print is "bled-out" so as to be unreadable, and that the unrestored paper around the print (just visible between all of the airbrush paint) has been printed by an ink jet printer.
Here we see the "i" in the word "Directed" as it appears in the lower/center/left portion of the poster. Within the letters themselves we should see naked, fibrous paper, but instead we see yellow, red, and blue dots created by an ink-jet printer.
Here a shot taken from the "O" in the word "HOUSE" as it appears in the main title. Here we should see naked, fibrous papers, instead we see the yellow and red patterns created by an ink jet printer.
Here we see the white of the Wolfman's eye as it appears in the lower left quadrant of the poster. Again we can clearly see the patterns of red and yellow dots created by an ink jet printer.


Examination under black-light, microscope, light table, digital imaging and tactile observation. Documentation by Lindsay Simmons of Poster Mountain Inc.


THIS POSTER WAS NOT PRODUCED BY POSTER MOUNTAIN INC. This is a reproduction of an authentic one sheet made with a digital ink-jet printer. The poster was then folded and damaged intentionally. It was then linenbacked and restored. We have tagged this poster in the Universal logo.This is an ink jet print which has been made to appear like an authentic vintage poster by folding, damaging, linen backing and restoring. Furthermore stamps were added to the back (which can be only be viewed by back-lighting) which read : Independent Post Exchange, 1323 Vine St. - Philadelphia. No part of this poster is authentic.