8749 Shirley Ave. Unit B
Northridge, CA 91324
Tel: 818.882.1214
Email: postermount@aol.com
AUTHENTIC Original window card was moldy and damaged around edges, also lots of abrasions and scuffs throughout image area. Extensive airbrushing in border and title and light airbrushing in black background. Various other restorations were performed using colored pencil and water-color. Ron Borst
After restoration
A close up one of Bela's eyes. We can clearly see the printing dots and naked paper fibers which are consistent with those of authentic aged paper and vintage analog impact printing.
Here the fine print under the microscope which shows the "CO" in the word "COUNTRY" the top layer is restorative airbrush paint and exposed underneath we see authentic aged paper and original analog printing
Here we see a close up taken near the ankle area of the woman's leg. The paper and analog print are consistent with those of known authentic original period posters.
Here we see a close up of the "P" in "PRESENTS"
Here the Poster Mountain Collector Services logo which has been silk screened onto the verso in the lower left corner. Because of the nature of silk screening, no 2 can ever be exactly alike and the uniqueness of this particular print is herein documented. The date of this report was added in pencil underneath.


AUTHENTIC, ORGINAL POSTER. This was restored and authenticated at Poster Mountain.