8749 Shirley Ave. Unit B
Northridge, CA 91324
Tel: 818.882.1214
Email: postermount@aol.com
Here we see the edge of this lobby card under a microscope. I've cut a sliver off the edge to get a clean view. We can see the layers of dissimilar papers which comprise the body of the lobby card. The bottom layer is the remains of an authentic lobby card of lesser value and the top is modern coated bond paper.
Here we see t a microscope image taken from the man's eye at the center of the image. The camera reverses the image. In the white of the eye we can clearly see the ink jet patterns.
Here we see a microscope image taken from the man's eye at bottom left. again we see the ink jet patterns.
Here we see the "I" in "INVISIBLE" as it appears in the title. We again clearly see the ink jet patterns in this area.
Here we see an image taken from the forehead of the man on the left/center. Again we can see the ink jet patterns.


THIS CARD WAS NOT PRODUCED BY POSTER MOUNTAIN INC. This is a reproduction of an authentic lobby card made with a digital ink-jet printer. This is a reproduction of an original poster which has been painstakingly made to look, and feel like the original. It is a color copy which has been mounted to the paper from a real lobby card (which has been sanded thin so as to better disguise the forgery) and a very significant amount of restorative media which is not uncommon on original lobby cards has been added to further increase this effect.