8749 Shirley Ave. Unit B
Northridge, CA 91324
Tel: 818.882.1214
Email: postermount@aol.com
frankenstein title card 003
This is a fake lobby card created by ink jet print which has been mounted (glued) to the remains of an authentic lobby card of lesser value which was sanded thin to remove the original image and to disguise the forgery.
Here is a microscope image of the "C" in "Colin" we can see the ink jet patterns that mimic the look of old paper underneath all of the restorative pigment which has been applied with an airbrush.
Here a close up microscope image taken from the "J" in James. We can clearly see the ink jet patterns in the background color.
Here a microscope image taken from the eye of the man near the center of the image. Here there should be naked, fibrous paper but instead we see the ink jet patterns from a modern digital printer.
Here a microscope image of the "N" in Colin. We can see the ink jet patterns here underneath the thick layer of restoration .
Here a microscope image of the monster's neck bolt and again the ink jet printing patterns are clearly visible in this area.
Here a close up shot of the woman's veil where we should see primarily naked paper color but instead we clearly see the dots laid down by a modern ink jet printer.


THIS CARD WAS NOT PRODUCED BY POSTER MOUNTAIN INC. This is a reproduction of an authentic one sheet made with a digital ink-jet printer. The poster was then folded and damaged intentionally. It was then linenbacked and restored. We have tagged this poster in the Universal logo.No part of the image of this poster is authentic. The background was completely painted in an effort to hide the evidence of the ink jet printing dots. Almost every area on this poster has had restorative media applied to it in an effort to obscure it's true nature.