King Kong
extremely rare and beautiful piece of movie memorabilia, this "Mona
Lisa" or "Cadillac" of movie posters received a lot
extra attention.
Poster was received rippled and mounted
blue fabric. Previous restoration had been performed.
Shows the finished poster, after
remounting and detailing. Colors are brighter, abrasions are gone
and Kong looks ferocious!
was de-mounted, then re-mounted onto linen. Most of the previous
restoration was removed. There were about 30 rusty tack holes
the periphery, as well as hundreds of abrasions throughout the
blue in
the Empire State Building and in Kong's left leg.
Generally, the
piece had an overall shabby appearance.
In this photo, detailing is being performed to eliminate the appearance
of any scratches or fold lines.
Shows the backside of the top panel. The previous mount has been
removed, leaving behind the old adhesive which had turned blue/grey by
the old backing. In this photo the poster is soaking wet.
The job of removing the old glue was quite a delicate chore, and
took almost 3 hours! It had to be scraped away, and washed
off. Doing this, however, made a big difference in the colors of
the poster.